Saturday, April 21, 2012

Do I hear bagpipes?

I hear the drones of bagpipes and lively drumming at 10:30 pm.  (Did I say loud bagpipes and drums?)  I grab my hotel key, camera and go in search of the energetic music.  I find a wedding processional which includes men dancing in a large circle, musicians moving with their rhythms, and the women watching from the back of the line.   After the festivities end, the entire group moves to the other end of the hallway and starts the celebration again.

(Thanks to the families for kindly allowing us to photograph the event!)

#ibmcsc #uae

1 comment:

  1. Wow Deb - it sounds like you have already been treated to a feast for your senses. Glad you got out there ok - well i assume you did as you didn't mention it :-)

